Container Gardening Ideas - Homesteading Tips and Ideas

  1. Homesteading Tips and Ideas
  2. Gardening Tips and Ideas
  3. Container Gardening Ideas

Container gardening is a great way to bring life and beauty to any outdoor space. Whether you're looking for a unique way to spruce up your front porch or you're a homesteader looking to maximize the amount of edible produce you can grow in a small space, container gardening has something to offer everyone. With these creative container gardening ideas, you can easily transform any outdoor area into a vibrant, productive garden. From choosing the right containers and soil to selecting the right plants and composting options, this article will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to get started on your container gardening journey.

Getting Creative With Your Container Garden

When it comes to container gardening, the possibilities for creativity are endless! From upcycling items into unique planters, to experimenting with vertical gardening techniques, there are so many ways you can get creative with your containers.

One great way to get creative with your container gardens is to repurpose items into planters. For example, you could repurpose an old wheelbarrow, a tin can, or a wooden box into a planter. You can even turn an old chair into a planter. All you need is some soil, drainage material, and a few plants to get started.

Another great way to get creative with your container gardens is to experiment with vertical gardening. Vertical gardening involves using different heights and levels to create interest in your garden. You can use trellises, raised beds, and hanging baskets to create interesting layers in your container garden. This technique is especially useful for those with limited space, as it allows you to maximize the area you have available. No matter what type of container garden you decide to create, the most important thing is to have fun and get creative! With a little imagination and some research, you can create a beautiful and unique container garden that will be the envy of your neighbors.

Plants That Are Suitable For Container Gardening

When it comes to container gardening, selecting the right plants is essential.

Some plants don't grow as well in containers and can become root bound, while others thrive in a container environment. Here are some tips for choosing the best plants for container gardening. Fruits and vegetables are some of the most popular choices for container gardens, as they can be easily grown in smaller spaces. Tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce are all great options that can be grown in a variety of container sizes. For those with larger containers, squash, melons, and other vining plants can also be grown. Herbs are also a popular choice for container gardening.

Basil, thyme, oregano, and chives are all easy to grow in containers and will add flavor to any dish. Many herbs also have attractive foliage, making them a great choice for containers. Annual flowers are another popular choice for container gardens. Petunias, marigolds, impatiens, and begonias are all good options for brightening up a patio or balcony. If you're looking for something a little more unique, try growing succulents or air plants in your containers. Finally, don't forget about trees! If you have the right size container, you can grow a miniature apple tree or lemon tree right on your patio.

Be sure to choose dwarf varieties that won't outgrow your container.

Tips for Choosing Plants for Container Gardening

When selecting plants for your container garden, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to choose plants that will grow well in the size of container you have. Smaller containers can limit root growth and may require more frequent watering. It's also important to consider the amount of sunlight the plants will receive. Some plants require full sun while others prefer partial shade.

Be sure to research the plants you're considering before planting them in your containers. Finally, when possible choose native plants that are adapted to your local climate. These will be better suited to the environment and may require less maintenance.

Container Selection for Container Gardening

When it comes to container gardening, the type of container you choose can have a huge impact on the success of your project. There are a variety of materials to choose from, and each one can provide different advantages. From basic plastic pots to more sophisticated self-watering systems, container selection is an important part of your container gardening plan.

Plastic pots are a popular choice for container gardens since they are lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to use. However, they can easily become brittle and crack in intense heat or cold. They also don’t provide good insulation from temperature changes. If you’re using plastic pots, make sure to select ones that are UV-resistant.

Clay pots are heavier and more durable than plastic, but they don’t hold moisture as well as other types of containers. Clay pots also tend to be more expensive than plastic. However, they can be a great choice if you’re looking for a classic look. Wooden containers are attractive and provide good insulation, making them a great choice for outdoor container gardening.

They are relatively inexpensive and easy to find, but they can rot over time if not properly treated and maintained. Self-watering containers are a great option for busy gardeners. These containers have a reservoir system that keeps the soil moist and reduces the need for frequent watering. However, they can be expensive and difficult to find in some areas.

Finally, fabric or felt containers are a great choice for those looking for an eco-friendly option. These containers are made from natural fibers like jute or hemp and can easily be reused or recycled. They also provide excellent insulation from temperature changes.

Tips for Container Selection:

No matter what type of container you choose for your container garden, there are some important factors to consider:
  • Size: Choose a container that is large enough to accommodate your plants’ root systems.
  • Drainage: Make sure the container has proper drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.
  • Material: Choose a material that is durable enough to withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions.
  • Price: Consider how much you’re willing to spend on your containers and select something that fits within your budget.
By taking the time to consider these factors, you’ll be able to find the perfect containers for your container garden projects.

Caring For Plants In Containers

Caring for plants in containers requires some extra attention and effort, but it can be well worth the effort when you see the end result.

When caring for plants in containers, it is important to consider watering, fertilizing, pruning, and pest control.


When watering container plants, it is important to check the soil regularly and water accordingly. The type of soil used in a container will determine how often the plant needs to be watered. Watering should not be done too frequently and should be done thoroughly when needed.

It is also important to check the drainage of the container, as too much water can lead to root rot.


Fertilizing your plants is an important step in caring for them in containers. Depending on the type of plant and soil used, the frequency and type of fertilizer needed may vary. Generally speaking, organic fertilizers are best for container gardening as they provide nutrients for both the plants and the soil.


Pruning is an important step in caring for container plants, as it helps to shape the plant and encourage healthy growth. Pruning should be done regularly to remove dead or damaged leaves and branches, as well as to encourage new growth.

It is important to use sharp pruning shears and to avoid cutting too deeply, as this can damage the plant.

Pest Control:

Pest control is an important part of caring for container plants. Different types of pests may affect different types of plants, so it is important to be aware of what types of pests may be present in your area. Keeping an eye out for pests and treating them quickly can help prevent them from causing damage to your plants.

Soil Considerations for Container Gardening

Soil is a critical consideration for container gardening, as it can make or break the success of your project. The right soil will provide your plants with essential nutrients, drainage, and aeration.

On the other hand, poor soil can leave your plants wilted, waterlogged, and without essential nutrients. When selecting soil for your container garden, look for a potting mix that is light and well-draining. Many mixes combine peat moss, compost, and vermiculite or perlite to create an optimal environment for your plants. Make sure that the soil you select is free of weeds and pests, as these can easily spread to your containers. You can also opt to mix your own soil for container gardening. To do this, combine equal parts of sand, compost, and peat moss.

This mixture will provide adequate drainage and aeration while still retaining water and nutrients. It is also important to fertilize your soil regularly. Fertilizer can help to replenish the nutrients that are lost over time as plants take them from the soil. If possible, use an organic fertilizer that is specially formulated for container gardening. Finally, consider adding mulch to the top of your soil. Mulch helps retain moisture and keeps weeds from taking over your containers.

It also helps to keep the soil temperature consistent and can help keep down any pests or diseases.

Charles Eisnnicher
Charles Eisnnicher

Charles is a man who loves the outdoors. He moved to Wyoming specifically to spend more time in the mountains and wilderness. A hunter and fisherman, Charles knows how to enjoy nature and all that it has to offer. He is an outdoorsman through and through, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Charles is the President of Absaroka Enterprises, an company focuses on outdoor entertainment and endeavors